Self Improvement Ideas To Help Build An Improved You! How about taking a couple of minutes of your own time to be able to learn simple steps on improving your entire life? Should you be aware of what we need to say, it is exactly what this post can perform for you personally. Look at the suggestions we have given to suit your needs, to help you start to reach your true potential. Usually what brings your happy mood down is stress. You happen to be harming yourself mentally and physically should there be too much stress in your daily life. Keep up with the stress you may have in mind by thinking clearly. Schedule some time every single day just to unwind. Just unwind, let your thoughts go blank, and think of what's vital that you you. You can increase how good you really feel about you and how at peace you are feeling through this time for you to relax. Seek out those that have similar positive attitudes. This should help you to keep a good focus within your life. Read good quality books about personal development. A great book can provide you with the data you need to begin your trip toward a brand new you. Pay attention to reviews whenever you select a self-help book. The genre has some poorly-written books in it however, you desire one that has proven necessary to other readers. Live as outlined by your principles. Every person has beliefs that she / he follows all the time. Following these beliefs can help your sensation of self-esteem. It gives your way of life meaning plus a solid structure to construct around. If your goals are grounded by the principles, you'll become more consistent in pursuing them. The first task towards self improvement is learning how to be a leader. While you will find multiple methods to define leadership, most people regard it as influence. Examine yourself as a leader. Are there any events which have had an impact in your lifetime? How have those events changed you? What sometimes you may feel enables you to an excellent team player? You will know where your rightful position is at a team once you have answered these questions for yourself. Write something to pep yourself up. Keep a long list of your good qualities with your wallet. You may take this along anywhere you go, and review it if you want motivation. You may even record yourself reading it aloud and tune in to many times, it. Just what is the reason? Establish a rainy day fund. Without this kind of fund, you might want to depend upon credit cards or high-interest loans to deal with sudden expenses or emergencies.
Just by simply investing a couple of dollars per week, the exact amount will quickly become a large emergency fund. That fund may help both short and long lasting debt as being the debt lowers. It really is our sincere hope the information we offer here will be beneficial to you together with those you adore. Diligently applying some of the advice presented above will help create a prosperous future. The quality of your life can be vastly improved if you use these suggestions in your self improvement plan..
Boost Your Game And Become A Better Player By Using These Great Football Tips The fall of your leaves in autumn as well as the game of football work together for some. If you would like better your own personal skills around the field in football, try reading this article. Read on the subsequent advice and tips, to enable you to end up being the best player possible. Football is actually a team sport. There are actually people in that team who give you support why not perform same to them? Don't make an attempt to be a hotshot by hogging the ball. Your main objective ought to be to support your team and also beating the rival team. Practice your football kicking skills. Solid kicking skills continue to be an essential component on the game. A lot of people that practice football often will not prepare their kicking game. This can lead to an inability to make a field goal. To acquire better at speed, enhance your foot work towards both feet. Many people use a dominant foot this is the lead-off. Understanding how to use both feet can assist you improve your game and maneuver around opponents. When you attempt new things whenever you play plus it works, don't get it done a lot of. By trying new moves, you may keep the opponents guessing on your next move. Use dance to help you train to experience football. Although it may look to be a totally different art at first glance, it can certainly help along with your footwork. Each of which are necessary to your abilities about the field. An awesome tip when you're a receiver or running back is to learn how to stiff arm. This play lets you gain yardage and might assist you to escape a defender. You only need to stick your arm straight out. Develop good passing routes. Receivers don't usually just run straight lines about the field. Good receivers should use slants and crossing routes whenever possible. A crossing route refers to the play if the receiver runs forward and then turns throughout the field. A slant route can be used by running the ball diagonally.
These two routes normally are better than seeking to run the ball down the center of the sector. Heat well just before playing, practicing, or exercising. Otherwise, you could potentially injure yourself and lose game-time. Keep a strong body by exercising to be able to build key playing muscles. It's important to care for your body. You ought to watch the foods you take in and recognize the way your body reacts to games and exercise. If you're feeling pain or perhaps you can't move that well, immediately speak to the group doctor. Take the time to practice agility skills. Jump rope, run through tires, and jump over cones to be more agile. This will make you stay limber and agile and enable you to play better. Integrate these agility exercises into all workouts and all sorts of football practices, too. Many people love the video game of football. If you wish to better your football skills, the info that you just read has given that you simply great outline to follow when you make great strides towards learning to be a good player. This article is just a resource. Take advantage of the information you may have learned, and you may be amazed at what you are able achieve..
Nigh on a month later than originally planned, Motorola's Moto 360 smartwatch has officially arrived in the UK today (although O2 apparently let a few units slip out at the beginning of the month). The limited stock that's available is up for grabs...
Apple's second special event in as many months is slated for October 16, where the Cupertino giant is expected to show off new iPads and Macs. For those wanting to follow the event as it happens live, Apple has mentioned that it will be streaming the event live on its website.
The event promises to be full of device announcements, with the Retina iMac rumored to make its debut, as well as a thinner iPad that will allegedly be offered in a golden color variant. Touch ID is also said to be making its way to the iPad.
What announcement are you looking forward to the most?
Both the brick-and-mortar Apple Retail Stores and Apple Online Store will be participating in various state tax holidays around the United States. The holidays, designed to spur sales while giving shoppers a bit of relief, are typically scheduled are the beginning of August, and lop off the state sales tax that is added to purchases (local county and city taxes still apply, though).
The states in which Apple will be participating in the state sales tax holidays follow:
Alabama: August 1-3, no more than $750
Florida: August 1-3, no more than $750
Georgia: August 1-2, no more than $1000
Louisiana: August 1-2, no more than $2500
Massachusetts: Dates not yet set by the state legislature, no more than $2500
Missouri: August 1-3, computers and accessories up to $3500, software up to $350
New Mexico: August 1-3, Computers up to $1000, accessories up to $500
South Carolina: August 1-3, no limit
Tennessee: August 1-3, up to $1500
The tax relief will be available at both Apple's physical and online stores, though Apple notes that the online store will display the full sales tax during the checkout process and you'll not see the corrected amount until you get your emailed order confirmation.
Anybody planning on jumping on the tax holiday bandwagon with a new Apple purchase?
Every day dozens and dozens of new and updated apps and games hit the iOS and Mac App Stores. It's impossible to keep up with them all, but it's not impossible to pick out the very best. Here they are! Today we've got a music streaming app, a drawing app, an app for finding movies, and more.
New and updated iOS apps
Rdio: The music streaming app has been updated with support for Chromecast, new album headers, and some smaller UI improvements and bug fixes. Free - Download Now
Paper by FiftyThree: The drawing app brings some improvements to dot creation, along with Draw tool line widths on non-Retina devices. Free - Download Now
Flixster: The movie app gets some fixes for stability issues in version 6.10.2. Free - Download Now
Air Display 2: An app that turns your iOS device into a display for your Mac fixes an OpenGL problem in version 2.0.4. $9.99 - Download Now
Next for iPhone: The iPhone version of the expense tracking app got some UI improvements, and a new icon for the "apps" category. $1.99 - Download Now
Next for iPad: The iPad version of the expense tracker also got some small UI improvements, including the change for the "apps" category icon. $1.99 - Download Now
New and updated Mac apps
Airmail: Alternative mail app for Mac OS X. Adds multi markdown support, flat quote visuals, FTP attachments, flags menus, and more. Lots of fixes and improvements. $1.99 - Download Now
Numbers: Spreadsheet app by Apple. View only mode to share spreadsheets with others, better EndNote support, lots of other additions and improvements. Free - $19.99 - Download Now
Pages: Document editing app by Apple. View only mode, copy/paste improvements, custom data formats, and lots more. Free - $19.99 - Download Now
More apps and updates?
If you try any of the apps or updates, let me know how they work for you. If you got any new or updated apps today that you loved, but don't see here, let us know about them!
Clear by Realmac is a massively popular iOS app, and today they're giving us a look at the next addition, reminders. We'd previously heard reminder functionality was being added to the app, and now on the Realmac blog we're told to expect the update sometime in early April.
As we wrap up work on the iOS and Mac releases, I just wanted to let you know where we’re at. The team has been working incredibly hard to make this happen, however we also want to make reminders as intuitive as possible - and that means we’ve been constantly tweaking and refining how things work. The changes mean we’ve over-run from our (already-delayed) March launch - and we’re now looking to release the updates in early April.
Better to get it right than to rush it and have it affect the experience. We'll be keeping our eyes open for this one early next month.
BOSTON (AP) — Gangster James "Whitey" Bulger has heard from the families of some of the people he was convicted of killing. Now, he will finally hear his punishment.
Bulger, 84, faces a sentence of life in prison after being convicted in a string of murders in the 1970s and '80s, as well as extortion, money-laundering and weapons charges.
Federal prosecutors have asked a judge to sentence him to two consecutive life terms, plus five years. Bulger's lawyers declined to recommend a sentence, saying Bulger believes his trial was a "sham."
The 84-year-old South Boston crime boss will almost certainly spend the rest of his life behind bars. Judge Denise Casper will formally impose his sentence Thursday.
On Wednesday, a dozen relatives of murder victims gave impact statements in court, calling Bulger a "terrorist," a "punk" and even "Satan." Bulger sat stone-faced and refused to look at them or to make a statement of his own.
The son of a man who was gunned down by Bulger in 1974 addressed Bulger as "Satan" and described how his father, a member of a rival gang, first disappeared in 1974 but wasn't found until decades later when his body was discovered in a watery grave.
View gallery."
This undated photo filed in federal court documents in Boston by defense attorneys for James "Whitey …
Sean McGonagle was 11 when his father, Paul, disappeared. He said Bulger called his family's house the following year and said, "Your father won't be coming home for Christmas." When he asked, "Who's this?" Bulger responded, "Santa Claus," McGonagle said.
"You're a domestic terrorist fueled by greed and sickening evil," McGonagle said.
Several family members blasted corrupt FBI agents for protecting Bulger for years while he was working simultaneously as a crime boss and an FBI informant who ratted out the rival New England Mafia and other crime groups.
David Wheeler, the son of a Tulsa, Okla., businessman who was shot between the eyes by a hit man for Bulger's gang, delivered a blistering condemnation of both the FBI and the Justice Department, which successfully argued to have his family's wrongful death lawsuit dismissed on the grounds that it was filed too late.
"They are as responsible for that murder as the defendant here sitting before you," Wheeler said.
Former Boston FBI agent John Connolly Jr. — Bulger's handler when he was an informant — was sentenced to 10 years in prison after being convicted of tipping the gangster off ahead of an indictment. After receiving the tip in 1994, Bulger fled Boston and remained a fugitive for more than 16 years until he was captured in Santa Monica, Calif., in 2011. Connolly was later convicted of second-degree murder in Florida for leaking information to Bulger that led to the slaying of a gambling executive.
Bulger claimed during his trial that a now-deceased federal prosecutor had given him immunity to commit crimes in exchange for Bulger's offer to protect him from the Mafia. The judge refused to allow Bulger to use that claim as a defense to his long list of crimes, including murders.
A jury convicted Bulger in 11 out of the 19 killings he was charged with participating in during the 1970s and '80s but acquitted him of seven killings and issued a "no finding" in the murder of 26-year-old Debra Davis, the girlfriend of his former partner, Stephen "The Rifleman" Flemmi.
New studies may explain fractures in some who take osteoporosis drugs
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Contact: Joseph Carey [email protected] 210-258-9437 Texas Biomedical Research Institute
Research with baboons at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute may help explain why some people who take bone-strengthening drugs like bisphosphonates are at-risk for atypical fractures in the long bones in their legs.
Texas Biomed scientist Lorena M. Havill, Ph.D. and colleagues at the Southwest Research Institute and Indiana University examined femurs of deceased baboons and found differences in the microstructure of their femurs that she traced to genetic variation among the animals. The study supports the theory that genetic variations may regulate bone remodeling, a natural process during which mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton so that new tissue can be added. These genetic differences could explain why a small percentage of older women suffer a distinct type of fracture of their femurs when they take bisphosphonates, a type of medication prescribed for millions of people with the bone-weakening disease osteoporosis.
The study, funded by the Texas Biomedical Forum, the Texas Biomed Founder's Council, the San Antonio Area Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is published in the November issue of the journal Calcified Tissue International.
In osteoporosis, bone remodeling happens faster than the growth of new bone tissue to replace the lost bone. Bisphosphonates suppress remodeling, allowing the accumulation of bone tissue.
Havill and others have theorized that some women are genetically predisposed to slower remodeling in the absence of osteoporosis. This genetic difference could be causing the drugs to have a greater effect on them and weaken their bones in areas not typically prone to osteoporotic fractures.
In their study, Havill and her colleagues examined femurs from 101 baboons from the pedigreed colony at Southwest National Primate Research Center. All had died for reasons unrelated to this research project. Their bones were obtained during necropsy and preserved. The researchers did microscopic examinations and found differences in bone remodeling dynamics that were influenced by inherited differences among the animals.
"Baboons are anatomically and physiologically very similar to humans, and these animals live a long time, so they develop many of the same age-related diseases that we do," Havill said. "This makes them a good model for age-related diseases such as osteoporosis. The results of this study suggest an explanation for why some women respond differently to the widely prescribed bisphosphonates."
"This supports the potential for a scenario in which certain individuals who are genetically predisposed to cortical microstructure that is less mechanically advantageous may experience disadvantageous responses to remodeling suppression, such as being at higher risk for atypical femoral fractures," Havill wrote in the study.
This research was supported by NIH grant R21 AR052013.
Texas Biomed, formerly the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, is one of the world's leading independent biomedical research institutions dedicated to advancing global human health through innovative biomedical research. Located on a 200-acre campus on the northwest side of San Antonio, Texas, the Institute partners with hundreds of researchers and institutions around the world, targeting advances in the fight against emerging infectious diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, parasitic infections and a host of other diseases, as well as cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, obesity, cancer, psychiatric disorders, and problems of pregnancy. For more information on Texas Biomed, go to, or call Joe Carey, Texas Biomed's Vice President for Public Affairs, at 210-258-9437.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
New studies may explain fractures in some who take osteoporosis drugs
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Contact: Joseph Carey [email protected] 210-258-9437 Texas Biomedical Research Institute
Research with baboons at the Texas Biomedical Research Institute may help explain why some people who take bone-strengthening drugs like bisphosphonates are at-risk for atypical fractures in the long bones in their legs.
Texas Biomed scientist Lorena M. Havill, Ph.D. and colleagues at the Southwest Research Institute and Indiana University examined femurs of deceased baboons and found differences in the microstructure of their femurs that she traced to genetic variation among the animals. The study supports the theory that genetic variations may regulate bone remodeling, a natural process during which mature bone tissue is removed from the skeleton so that new tissue can be added. These genetic differences could explain why a small percentage of older women suffer a distinct type of fracture of their femurs when they take bisphosphonates, a type of medication prescribed for millions of people with the bone-weakening disease osteoporosis.
The study, funded by the Texas Biomedical Forum, the Texas Biomed Founder's Council, the San Antonio Area Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is published in the November issue of the journal Calcified Tissue International.
In osteoporosis, bone remodeling happens faster than the growth of new bone tissue to replace the lost bone. Bisphosphonates suppress remodeling, allowing the accumulation of bone tissue.
Havill and others have theorized that some women are genetically predisposed to slower remodeling in the absence of osteoporosis. This genetic difference could be causing the drugs to have a greater effect on them and weaken their bones in areas not typically prone to osteoporotic fractures.
In their study, Havill and her colleagues examined femurs from 101 baboons from the pedigreed colony at Southwest National Primate Research Center. All had died for reasons unrelated to this research project. Their bones were obtained during necropsy and preserved. The researchers did microscopic examinations and found differences in bone remodeling dynamics that were influenced by inherited differences among the animals.
"Baboons are anatomically and physiologically very similar to humans, and these animals live a long time, so they develop many of the same age-related diseases that we do," Havill said. "This makes them a good model for age-related diseases such as osteoporosis. The results of this study suggest an explanation for why some women respond differently to the widely prescribed bisphosphonates."
"This supports the potential for a scenario in which certain individuals who are genetically predisposed to cortical microstructure that is less mechanically advantageous may experience disadvantageous responses to remodeling suppression, such as being at higher risk for atypical femoral fractures," Havill wrote in the study.
This research was supported by NIH grant R21 AR052013.
Texas Biomed, formerly the Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research, is one of the world's leading independent biomedical research institutions dedicated to advancing global human health through innovative biomedical research. Located on a 200-acre campus on the northwest side of San Antonio, Texas, the Institute partners with hundreds of researchers and institutions around the world, targeting advances in the fight against emerging infectious diseases, AIDS, hepatitis, malaria, parasitic infections and a host of other diseases, as well as cardiovascular conditions, diabetes, obesity, cancer, psychiatric disorders, and problems of pregnancy. For more information on Texas Biomed, go to, or call Joe Carey, Texas Biomed's Vice President for Public Affairs, at 210-258-9437.
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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.
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